>Today I stepped outside of the studios to experience the natural beauty that surrounds the Community Arts Center. There, I met with Bob Deane to discuss his upcoming Signature Tile workshop that he will be conducting during the last session of Summer Spree. He explained to me his vision of creating a somewhat secret magical kingdom within the forests of this small area in woods behind the arts center. Leading up to to what will soon be the secret magical kingdom, there already lies a charming pathway created by previous workshops, as well as a tiled bench that was completed last summer during Summer spree.
[ Tiled Path ]
[ Tiled bench ]
Walking in a bit further, you will see there is a small archway and fence made of twigs that invites you to an open space in which a large tree with cascading branches rests in the center. On one side of the tree, there is a small table made from a tree stump accompanied with stools made of logs; the other is where Bob Deane envisions creating a throne and archway for the secret magical kingdom.
[ Where the light glows is where the tiled archway will go ]
Last summer, CAC Summer Spree campers worked with Bob Deane in digging up their own clay.
"I didn't realize how much dirt kids could dig to make clay, so now I have all this extra clay" he told me. With this extra clay, Bob Deane intends for campers to create tiles that will be set into the concrete archway. Furthermore, Bob Deane comments "It [the archway] is going to be man made, but also blend into the nature." Plans are certainly underway for the Signature Tile workshop; check back next week for more details as I will be documenting the evolution of this project.
Directly after checking out the outdoor space for the tile project, I encountered an already developed kingdom in the Yellow Groups' classroom; the Land of Truffula Trees! I was amazed to see Doctor Suess's The Lorax come to life with the help of the Yellow Group's artistic talents.
"Those Truffula Trees
All my life I'd be searching
For trees such as these
The trunk of their tufts
Was much softer than silk
And they had the sweet smell
of fresh butterfly milk"-The Lorax by Dr. Suess
[Bar-ba-loots, humming fish, and swomee-swans]
Encircling the Land of Truffula Trees were original works the yellow group had created this week:
To complete this magical morning, I found a happily ever after in the Teen Studios during Drew's final printmaking workshop (see 6.24 'Drew Bandages a Silk Screen...' ). Students sucessfully completed their second coats on their original silk screen prints; check it out!
[ Behind the screen ]
[ The little duck floats on ]
[ Filling in with final touches ]
[ Complete! ]
With the first session of Summer Spree now complete, prints produced in this week's special workshop with Drew were displayed outside for all to see:
What a week!